Magazines are popular media resources for many young teenagers, especially amoungst young girls. For our film, teen magazines would be a prime advertising location as we would attract much interest from the correct target audience.
Popular teen magazines such as Bliss, Shout, Mizz and Sugar are the main places where we would advertise because they have the same target audience as our film, so we would both be relating to the same group of people.
A new modern online magazine - Slink, provided by the BBC, would also be a suitable place for advertisement. This website is very interactive and dependeant on the points of interest of their audience so allows views on topics and encourages points of view to be expressed. Therefore we could create a discussion forum on the BBC slink website, which would both advertise and encourage our film to be a talked a bout topic amoungst a young audience.

A film review on a radio station such as Radio One would help raise awareness and interest for the film as the audience of radio one is young people. We could also use stations such as Kiss because they tend to be popular with young teens because a lot of the music is aimed at the same people we aim our film to.

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